Who would have thought such sweltering heat would have given birth to a fresh new t-shirt company! It's hot here, intolerably so. Worse, much worse, is the humidity. It weighs down upon one to such a degree that all the ceiling and standing fans in the apartment and office have shared sense of inadequacy. Yet this sticky Hades is home to great creativity, particularly in the area of design. Some years ago, when I first started out on my own, similarly unbearable summer conditions gave me the idea for my company name - Swelter. Somewhere along the line, I thought it would be great for a t-shirt brand. Mid last year, that brand saw the light of day and is now being worn by quite a few people (bless them!) from around the world. Today's the day I start to share with you some of the Swelter designs and the stories behind them (hey, and if there aren't any, I'll make them up. You might want to help me along there.) Right now, I have no energy, I'm in the mood for a chat, and I keep filling up my glass with water. Pray for rain!

Sunday, 6 April 2008


Green has become the new mainstream. Admittedly it has taken us years to catch up to the treehuggers, Greenpeace and others who we may have thought to be radical at the time. And then along came Al Gore. He didn't crack being president of the most powerful country in the world. No. He went one better. He (and his team) helped make the whole world conscious of global warming. And he did it in the most charming and personal way. Who could not be touched by An Inconvenient Truth? And now along comes Not anywhere on the same scale, but a very sincere attempt to help ordinary people express what is important and to do so in the most positive way. So let's say goodbye to global warming and rather concentrate on how to make the world cool!


Anonymous said...


My name is Hanna and I'm working in association with, a leading online platform of mobile entertainment content that offers ringtones, wallpapers, games and text-based services through a membership-based, community experience.

I feel the information on your site you provide is very useful. I would love to know if you could link to our ringtone resource.

Best regards,

WorldOfSigns said...

You should also try unique road sign t-shirts. It's cool.

Diet Plan said...

We must save our planet. Keep on sharing and posting.

chrisfromneenah said...

It is cool. Now are you on the "climate change" belief or just believe in taking care of the planet. I think taking care of the planet is great but "climate change well lets just say there are a lot of controversies surrounding that right now. To know more goto and join. There are some videos there that I posted that will tell you my meaning. Also, my blog will be covering some of that, too. But I'm focusing on the immediate concern of the American economy and probable collapse. How do we face it? I heard on the radio that they are linking "climate change" to population control so less people mean less CO2 - especially in Africa. What do you say about that Swelter.